Your IT Co-Pilot.

Unlimited Integration, Development & Consulting
starting at just 768€/week

A new way to do business
Smarter, Quicker, Better.

InnovateCompanion is an all-in-one consultancy subscription that will allow you to create apps, automate process, prototype digital services, integrate systems at a flat monthly fee without any limit.

  • Digital products development
  • Digital Services Engineering
  • Intranet & Extranets
  • Work & task automation
  • Mobile & Web Apps
  • CMS websites & Landing Pages
  • Softwares configuration & Integration
  • A.I. governance Integrations
  • CRM & Marketing automation flows
  • Infrastructures & Technology sourcing
  • Free Discovery
  • Pause the plan at any time
  • Save on consultancy fees
  • Save on new tech hires
  • Get up to a 4x ROI
  • Save time in management

Instantly upskill your business units without additional hires.

Adding Innovate Companion to your teams or business units means equipping your entire staff with an incredible ability to innovate and optimise your processes through technology and A.I.

Pay a fraction of costs of an internal team

Skip the hassle of hiring multiple professionals or navigating complex agency quotes. With our service, you get all the Digital help you need – from strategists to developers – at a fraction of the cost. It's that simple!

Try Now
less costly than single hires
faster than creating an internal team
more efficient than one-off projects
to stop at any time when not needed

What you can do with InnovateCompanion?

Pick a plan, start the subscription, and right away, you can ask us to solve any business challenge with technology and design without any additional investments! Check out some of the cool things we can do for you:

Adopt a project management tool to boost efficiency

Adopt a project management tool to boost efficiency

Optimize your business operations by setting up efficient project management processes designed to cut costs by 50%. Our approach focuses on streamlining workflows, reducing redundancies, and enhancing overall operational efficiency


Adottare un sistema di project management

Adottare un sistema di project management

Ottimizza le operazioni aziendali implementando processi di gestione dei progetti efficienti, progettati per ridurre i costi del 50%. Il nostro approccio si concentra sulla semplificazione dei flussi di lavoro, l'eliminazione delle ridondanze e il miglioramento dell'efficienza operativa complessiva.


Automate the ordering and procurement process with the Artificial Intelligence

Automate the ordering and procurement process with the Artificial Intelligence

Leverage AI to transform your procurement process through InnovateCompanion, aiming for reduced errors and optimized purchasing, enhancing your operational efficiency.


Automatizzare i processi di ordini e supporto clienti con l'intelligenza artificiale.

Automatizzare i processi di ordini e supporto clienti con l'intelligenza artificiale.

Sfrutta l'intelligenza artificiale per rivoluzionare i processi ripetitivi riducendo gli errori e aumentando l'efficienza operativa.


Build a 24/7 A.I. based support Phone System

Build a 24/7 A.I. based support Phone System

Deploy AI-based phone systems for round-the-clock customer support. These systems offer consistent, intelligent assistance, improving customer experience and providing reliable, efficient service anytime.


Build or configure a
headless CMS

Build or configure a
headless CMS

Develop or fine-tune headless CMSs for dynamic, future-ready online content management. Our solutions offer flexibility and customization, ensuring your content strategy remains agile and responsive to changing market demands.

Low-Code Development

Creare siti e intranet facili da gestire ed integrati

Creare siti e intranet facili da gestire ed integrati

Grazie alla nostra esperienza in piattaforme low-code e builder visivi semplifichiamo il processo di design, permettendo aggiornamenti rapidi e intuitivi del sito senza necessitare conoscenza del codice e senza utilizzare piattaforme come Wordpress che richiedono un costante monitoraggio della sicurezza.

Low-Code Development

Create a Business Intelligence Dashboard control center

Create a Business Intelligence Dashboard control center

Establish Business Intelligence Dashboards as control centers for strategic decision-making. These dashboards offer real-time analytics, driving informed decisions and providing a comprehensive view of business performance.


Develop an app to help the sales team

Develop an app to help the sales team

InnovateCompanion can help develop bespoke apps to elevate your sales team's efficiency, integrating advanced technology for enhanced performance and customer engagement.

Low-Code Development

Digitalizzare i processi e scegliere i migliori softwares

Digitalizzare i processi e scegliere i migliori softwares

DBrothers vi supporta a 360* aiutandovi ad esempio a selezionare la soluzione di firma elettronica migliore per i vostri tipi di contratto, o sistemi per semplificare l'elaborazione dei documenti in sicurezza.


Integrate the Salesforce CRM with other apps

Integrate the Salesforce CRM with other apps

Optimize your business operations by setting up efficient project management processes designed to cut costs by 50%. Our approach focuses on streamlining workflows, reducing redundancies, and enhancing overall operational efficiency


Migrate websites into the newest Webflow Enterprise

Migrate websites into the newest Webflow Enterprise

Optimize your business operations by setting up efficient project management processes designed to cut costs by 50%. Our approach focuses on streamlining workflows, reducing redundancies, and enhancing overall operational efficiency

Low-Code Development

Optimise Hubspot CRM for the Digital Marketing flow

Optimise Hubspot CRM for the Digital Marketing flow

Optimize your business operations by setting up efficient project management processes designed to cut costs by 50%. Our approach focuses on streamlining workflows, reducing redundancies, and enhancing overall operational efficiency


Re-organise your company brand assets

Re-organise your company brand assets

InnovateCompanion can guide the strategic reorganization of your brand assets, refreshing your market identity and aligning your branding with your business goals.


Reduce the order fullfilment time by at least 30%

Reduce the order fullfilment time by at least 30%

Establish Business Intelligence Dashboards as control centers for strategic decision-making. These dashboards offer real-time analytics, driving informed decisions and providing a comprehensive view of business performance.

Low-Code Development

Ridurre il tempo per pratiche amministrative e di evasione degli ordini di almeno il 30%.

Ridurre il tempo per pratiche amministrative e di evasione degli ordini di almeno il 30%.

Scegliamo le metriche e ti aiutiamo a creare dashboard di Business Intelligence per tenere sotto controllo per le decisioni strategiche ed i relativi risultati.

Low-Code Development

Select and configure the best e-signature solution

Select and configure the best e-signature solution

With InnovateCompanion, it's possible for you to get Software consulting e.g. to select an optimal e-signature solution, streamlining document processing with secure and efficient systems for better workflow management.


Setup an easy to use KPI Monitorning system

Setup an easy to use KPI Monitorning system

Establish Business Intelligence Dashboards as control centers for strategic decision-making. These dashboards offer real-time analytics, driving informed decisions and providing a comprehensive view of business performance.


Start a Google cloud work transformation plan

Start a Google cloud work transformation plan

Initiate a transformational journey with Google Cloud through InnovateCompanion, optimizing your business processes for better efficiency and scalable growth.

IT Management

Sviluppare app per la rete di vendita o per il team operativo

Sviluppare app per la rete di vendita o per il team operativo

E'oggi possibile sviluppare mini app su misura per aumentare l'efficienza del tuo team di vendita, o il team operativo sul campo al fine di raccogliere i dati in maniera piú efficiente e precisa.

Low-Code Development

Sync your data across multiple systems

Sync your data across multiple systems

Request InnovateCompanion's expertise in synchronizing data across various systems, ensuring accurate and consistent information flow vital for strategic decision-making.



one-off quoted projects

Innovate Companion offers superior quality services and enables you to manage a wide variety of tasks more effectively than a standard agency contract.

  • Guaranteed daily/weekly availability
  • No-need of quotations of each possible task
  • Immediate Start
  • Flexible scope of work decided on daily/weekly basis
  • Pro-active consulting on the whole set of technologies
  • Stop at any time, pay only the time subscribed
  • Unlimited iteration and better work quality
  • Unknown deadlines as defined during the course of the work
  • Spot availability on defined project sprints
  • Require estimation and quotation for each task
  • Start to be planned
  • Fixed scope of work decided upfront on quotation
  • Work limited to the scope and budget of the contract
  • You have to pay for the full project commitment
  • Iteration and quality limited by contract budget
  • Product Strategy & Service Design
  • Known deadlines and costs for a limited set of tasks / scopes
  • Faster and more focused resources on pre-defined project activities


hiring an internal team

Innovate Companion ensures a lower total cost of ownership compared to individual tech hires, while offering a much broader range of expertise at your disposal.

  • Guaranteed daily/weekly availability
  • Team of experienced professionals, each with unique specialisations
  • Stop at any time when you don't need it
  • Immediate start with the full range of capabilities
  • Training and coordination resources included
  • Team experience on 200+ softwares and dev technologies
  • Easily scalable with the flexibility to add additional resources as needed
  • Guaranteed daily full-time
  • Skill set and knowledge restricted to a sole 
  • You are committed to the employment terms
  • Long hiring process, selection and onboarding
  • Require extra resources for training and coordination
  • Experience limited 
to a single 
  • Scalability is expensive and dependent on the recruitment process
  • Enhanced internalisation of skills and knowledges

Get a flat price 

for Unlimited tasks

Download Price Book

Subscribing to Innovate Companion is akin to accessing a comprehensive IT department, development, design and strategy team, and a CTO, all for a fraction of the usual commitment.

This facilitates ongoing innovation within the organisation without incurring full costs or pre-allocating resources. For insights on the optimal plan and potential ROI, request a consultation.

Put your innovation
in autopilot

Once you have an active subscription, the operation is very straightforward.

Your business units or company staff will be able to start having daily or weekly meetings with the dedicated project manager and day by day see the progress on their requests. All of your staff will get unparalleled power to access all the IT resources they need to accelerate the organisation.

Frequently asked questions

Adding Innovate Companion to your team means equipping your entire staff with an incredible ability to innovate and optimise your processes through technology and A.I.
Can I use Innovate Companion to create laboratory software?
Innovate Companion includes the creation of any application in the form of low code. To date, there are hundreds of software solutions that allow for the rapid creation of applications. If the use case falls within this type of software, it is certainly possible and cost-effective to develop it within the plan. For bespoke code development and complex applications that require specific project planning, clients of Innovate Companion can benefit from a very significant discount on any custom development in the languages we support.
Can I use the plan to create a completely new CMS website?
Absolutely, it is possible. However, please bear in mind that the plan allows for only one activity at a time. In the case of a complex website, the number of tasks could reach up to 2000. Therefore, it might be more efficient to plan for an extra period of delicate resort to expedite the project.
Can I use the plan to develop a custom software or a mobile app from scratch?
Although it is possible to develop any application in the form of low code, more complex applications that require bespoke code development might take too long if executed with a plan that allows only one concurrent request. However, for clients who subscribe to Innovate Companion, there is a significant discount available on any rapid development project for bespoke code that might be needed.
So innovate companion is an IT team?
No, InnovateCompanion is not an IT team in the traditional sense. It's a subscription-based service that provides access to a wide range of expertise, including IT-related services, but it goes beyond just being an IT team. InnovateCompanion offers a diverse pool of professionals with expertise in various fields, such as product strategies, software development, design, automation, and more. It's a comprehensive resource that can assist with a broad spectrum of tasks and projects, making it more versatile and adaptable than a typical IT team.
Why should we use InnovateCompanion if we already have internal departments and teams?
InnovateCompanion brings an external perspective and a diverse skill set to your organization, augmenting your internal teams. This external input can inject fresh ideas and innovative approaches that may not be readily available within your existing departments. It serves as a valuable resource for tackling specialized projects, solving unique challenges, and exploring emerging technologies without the need for long-term commitments or hiring additional staff. By leveraging InnovateCompanion, you can tap into a vast pool of expertise, enhancing your internal capabilities and staying at the forefront of industry trends and solutions.
Why should I subscribe to InnovateCompanion if my business needs are infrequent and small in scale?
Choosing InnovateCompanion, even for occasional needs, offers significant advantages. In business, small tasks often have a disproportionate impact, and finding specialized expertise for these tasks is not always straightforward. InnovateCompanion fills this gap with its proactive consultancy approach, guiding businesses through both minor and major challenges. This service ensures that expert help is readily available when needed, eliminating the time and complexity of seeking and hiring specialists for sporadic requirements. This approach is particularly beneficial for tasks that are small in scope but critical for business success, providing peace of mind and professional solutions on demand.
Why i should subscribe if i have already couple of developers and a freelance designer?
Subscribing to InnovateCompanion, even with an existing team of developers and a freelance designer, provides broader expertise and specialized skills that may not be present in your current team. It offers flexibility in scaling resources up or down as needed, and access to diverse industry insights and innovative approaches. This service can complement your team's abilities, filling gaps and providing advanced solutions in areas like emerging technologies, complex project management, and strategic planning. InnovateCompanion serves as an extended arm, enhancing your team’s capabilities without the long-term commitments of hiring additional full-time staff.
Why i should subscribe if i have already an agency that help my business?
Traditional agencies typically operate in fixed sprints, requiring detailed planning and quoting for each project. This process often involves additional time for estimating costs and may incur extra charges for unforeseen work. Agencies generally limit the scope of work based on predefined hours, which can restrict quality and adaptability. In contrast, InnovateCompanion offers a more fluid and responsive approach, with the ability to adjust project scopes and tasks dynamically without the need for constant re-quoting or strict sprint limitations. This leads to a more tailored service that can swiftly adapt to changing business needs and deliver higher quality outcomes within the ongoing support framework.
How many requests can be made at a time with InnovateCompanion?
The InnovateCompanion membership is structured to handle one active request or task at a time. This approach ensures that each project receives the full attention and resources it deserves, leading to higher quality outcomes. Once a task is completed and approved, the next task can be initiated. This sequential process helps maintain a clear focus and efficiently manages the workflow, ensuring that each client's needs are met with the utmost dedication and expertise. In certain situations, a primary task in InnovateCompanion can be divided into multiple distinct subtasks. This division is usually done when a task does not represent an independent unit of work or is too complex as a single entity. Each subtask is treated individually, allowing for more organized and efficient handling of complex projects. This approach ensures detailed attention to every aspect of the task, enhancing overall execution and outcome quality.
Can I use InnovateCompanion to request tasks on behalf of other companies?
No, according to the contract, the InnovateCompanion service cannot be used to produce materials or perform tasks for third parties or other companies, even if they are corporately connected. The service is exclusively for the subscribing client's own company and its related brands or product lines.
What role does InnovateCompanion play in prototyping digital products?
Yes It assists in creating and refining prototypes, using customer feedback and technical testing to iterate and improve the product.
Can InnovateCompanion assist in scaling digital products?
Yes It provides strategic guidance on scaling products, addressing technical, market, and operational aspects to expand reach and impact.
How does RPA integration impact operational costs?
RPA significantly reduces operational costs by automating manual, labor-intensive processes. This not only leads to cost savings but also enhances accuracy and speed, contributing to overall business efficiency. InnovateCompanion’s service assesses and implements these solutions seamlessly.
Can a healthcare patient management system be improved continuously?
InnovateCompanion provides ongoing enhancements, offering more than traditional project-based development.
How does the flexible scope of work benefit my business?
A flexible scope allows for adapting the project needs on the go, ensuring that evolving business requirements are met without the need for renegotiating contract terms.
What makes InnovateCompanion ideal for technological transitions like AI and cloud computing?
The service offers specialized expertise in modern technologies, enabling smooth transitions to cloud computing and AI with the support of experienced professionals.
Renewing, Suspending, or Terminating InnovateCompanion Membership
Members can stop their InnovateCompanion subscription at any time, with the obligation to fulfill their current commitment period, such as the end of the month for a monthly commitment. It's important to note that renewals are subject to slot availability for subsequent months, so it's advisable to choose a commitment duration that aligns well with project needs. This ensures optimal coverage and avoids potential gaps in service due to limited availability.
What are my rights and responsibilities as a client?
Clients have the right to request services, provide input, and prioritize tasks. They are responsible for providing accurate information in tickets and adhering to the terms of the contract.
How is the project initiation and iteration process handled?
Projects under InnovateCompanion can start immediately with no need for separate quotes. The scope can be adjusted on a daily/weekly basis, with unlimited iterations for better work quality.
How does InnovateCompanion ensure flexibility in project deadlines?
While exact deadlines are unknown at the start, InnovateCompanion offers the flexibility to define and modify deadlines as the project progresses, accommodating changing requirements efficiently.
What is the process for integrating new technologies or trends into ongoing projects with InnovateCompanion?
The service is proactive in adopting new technologies and trends, integrating them seamlessly into ongoing projects as per client requirements.
How does the InnovateCompanion subscription enhance project flexibility?
The InnovateCompanion subscription significantly enhances project flexibility compared to traditional fixed project contracts. This flexibility manifests in several key ways: Scope Adjustments: With a typical fixed contract, any changes in the project scope often necessitate renegotiations, which can be time-consuming and may lead to delays. However, under the InnovateCompanion subscription, the scope can be adjusted dynamically as the project progresses. This means that if the needs or objectives of the project evolve, these changes can be incorporated seamlessly without the need for formal contract amendments. Adaptation to Changing Needs: Business environments are dynamic, and a company's needs can change rapidly due to various factors like market shifts, technological advancements, or internal strategic decisions. The subscription model allows businesses to adapt to these changes swiftly, ensuring that the projects remain aligned with the latest business goals. Resource Reallocation: Projects often require different resources at different stages. Under the InnovateCompanion model, there's an inherent flexibility to reallocate resources as per the evolving needs of the project. This could mean shifting human resources, technology, or other assets to where they are most needed at any given time. Continuous Collaboration and Feedback: This subscription model fosters a closer, more collaborative relationship between the service provider and the client. It allows for continuous feedback and iterative development, which is often constrained in a fixed contract due to rigid milestone and deliverable schedules. Financial Flexibility: While not directly related to the project's content, the financial predictability and stability offered by a subscription model indirectly enhance flexibility. Companies can plan better and allocate funds to different initiatives more efficiently without worrying about variable project costs.
Can I prioritize and reprioritize projects with InnovateCompanion
Yes, with InnovateCompanion, clients have the unique ability to set and adjust their project priorities. This feature is crucial for businesses that operate in dynamic environments where priorities can shift rapidly due to market changes, customer demands, or internal strategic realignments. The flexibility to reprioritize ensures that resources are allocated to the most critical tasks at any given time. For instance, if a sudden market opportunity arises, a client can promptly shift focus to capitalize on this opportunity, then later return to other ongoing projects. This adaptability is a significant benefit over more rigid project structures, where changing priorities can lead to delays, additional costs, or contractual complications. The ability to fluidly adjust project focus ensures that resources are always optimally utilized and aligned with the client's current strategic objectives.
What are the advantages of InnovateCompanion in terms of cost predictability?
The InnovateCompanion subscription model offers significant advantages in terms of cost predictability. With a fixed fee structure, clients can budget more effectively, knowing exactly what their expenses will be upfront. This is in stark contrast to per-project billing, which can often lead to unpredictable costs due to scope creep, unforeseen complications, or extended timelines. The predictable cost structure also helps in financial planning and reduces the risk of unexpected expenditures. This model is particularly beneficial for businesses that need to maintain strict budget controls or those that operate with limited financial flexibility. It allows companies to engage in multiple projects without the fear of escalating costs, ensuring better financial management and stability.
Can I use InnovateCompanion for short-term and long-term projects?
Yes, the subscription is suitable for both short-term tasks and long-term projects. This flexibility is a key advantage of the service, accommodating a diverse range of project durations. For short-term tasks, the subscription allows for quick deployment and completion without the need for lengthy contractual negotiations typically associated with one-off projects. This makes it ideal for tasks requiring immediate attention or rapid turnaround. On the other hand, for long-term projects, InnovateCompanion provides consistent support and resource availability over an extended period. This ensures that projects with longer timelines can evolve and adapt as needed, benefiting from continuous input and expertise without the need for renegotiating terms or seeking additional contractors.
What types of projects can I undertake with the InnovateCompanion subscription?
The subscription covers a wide range of projects, including web/mobile app development, business process automation, cloud computing transitions, UX/UI design, e-commerce solutions, and more. ✅ Product or Service Strategies ✅ Low-code Mobile or Desktop Business Applications ✅ Software Selection and Configuration Consulting ✅ Website Improvement and Implementation ✅ Automated Reporting and Data Analysis ✅ Business and Document Process Automation ✅ Transition to Cloud Computing and AI ✅ Systems Integration ✅ Software Customization ✅ Low-Code Development ✅ Internal Communication or Chat Systems ✅ Business Intelligence ✅ Automated Customer Support Systems ✅ E-commerce Configurations ✅ User Experience Design and Audit ✅ UX Audit ✅ Prototyping ✅ User Interface Design ✅ New Service Ideation ✅ KPI Monitoring ✅ Data Transformation ✅ CRM (Customer Relationship Management) ✅ Electronic Transactions and Payments
How does InnovateCompanion assist in customer service automation?
InnovateCompanion implements AI-driven solutions to automate customer service, enhancing response times and customer experience. By leveraging chatbots and AI, it ensures consistent and efficient customer interactions.
Is process optimization possible with InnovateCompanion?
InnovateCompanion excels in process optimization, utilizing continuous consultancy to analyze and enhance various business processes for greater efficiency, effectiveness, and adaptability.
How does RPA contribute to cost savings in supply chain management?
By implementing RPA in supply chain management, InnovateCompanion enhances operational efficiency, leading to significant cost savings, reduced errors, and improved speed in logistics.
Is it possible to automate marketing tasks with InnovateCompanion?
Yes, InnovateCompanion can automate various marketing processes, including campaign management and customer segmentation, increasing campaign efficiency and effectiveness.
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